Real Estate Investors
If you're like most real estate investors looking to invest in Utah real estate, you probably have a full time job and invest on a part time basis. In today's competitive market, the good investment properties go fast. So how are you going to find them before others do?
The answer is a full time realtor who understands how to find these properties and is able to locate them when they first come on the market. Not every investor is looking for the same kind of property. We work with you to understand what kind of properties you're most interested in and then send you a list of those properties when they first hit the market.
If you are new to investing, we can help you understand the process and then help you find those kinds of properties that best suit your needs. Investing really isn't that hard and can be quite secure as long as you stick to safe criteria.
In a nutshell, you must be able determine the value of a house or what it will sell for after it has been repaired. This is where a professional realtor can come in real handy. The real trick, however, is evaluating what repairs need to be made and what they will cost. Once you have determined the "After Repair" value of the property and know what your repair costs are, your mortgage broker can help you estimate the costs to purchase and the costs to sell. All of these estimates will then determine what price you have to purchase the property for in order to make a profit. It's a little more complicated than this, but not much.
Learn about our VIP Investor Services.
Whether you are new to investing or experienced, we can help. Give us a call today at 801-414-5790 or e-mail us at